Monday, May 2, 2011

The ABCs of SpinsterHOOD


Attitude and Aviators, Burning pictures and Breaking hearts, Car rides and Credit Cards, Dollar movies and Doughnuts holes, Estrogen and Eating out, First Dates and Facebook stalking, Girls Night in and Girdles, Hairdryers and Hopeful futures, Impeccable Style and Ipods, Jealousy and J Crew, Kissing and Karma, Late night phone calls and Lipgloss, Missed calls and Mascara, Naughty and Nice, Opinionated and Over-it, Pedicures and Party hopping, Queen bee and Questionable, Ready and Rambunctious, Sushi and Speeding tickets, Tantalizing and Taken, Underestimated and Unlikely, Valentines Day and Vetos,
Waxing and Waiting, X-tra spicy and Xtreme, Youthful and Yummy, Zany and Zealous.