Monday, April 9, 2012

Definition: It’s Fine


“It’s Fine.”: 
         Phrase of the verbal nature.

Somewhat sarcastic, almost shaky voice.

When to use the phrase:
       Whenever something is happening that is NOT fine.


  • All your music gets deleted from your laptop. “It’s fine.”
  • You run out of gas on the freeway. “It’s fine.”
  • You plan an outdoor movie night and it starts to rain. “It’s fine.”
  • When you word vomit and want to take it back. But can’t. “It’s fine.”

         You might be crying wolf because people might think you  really are fine.

Use with caution.

Char and Gert


  1. This is what I said to myself when I had 5 min left in a test and was going to turn it in, and when I turned it over, there was a whole other page. "I'm fine."

  2. THIS IS ME AND SARAH TO A T. It's fine. I love this post.

  3. haha, this is SO funny! But mostkey when all my music dissapears, I don't say that it's fine... I freak out for half an hour first! x

  4. it's fine that I say "it's fine" more than ANY other phrase in the english language. actually... in any language.

  5. I hate how men can never tell the difference between us actually being fine and us being "fine."

  6. "It's fine" is rarely fine at all.

  7. This is perfect, just perfect.
